Refund and Returns Policy
Cancellation Policy
If the order or item(s) you wish to cancel have not been shipped yet, please contact our customer support team at or WhatsApp us at +91999999999.
- Cancellation is available only for Cash on Delivery (COD) orders.
- Cancellation after shipping is currently not possible, as the order will already be handed over to the courier partner.
- If a COD order is denied upon delivery, all future COD orders will be canceled, and only prepaid orders will be accepted on our website.
Returns, Replacements, and Refunds
BLKFoods allows claims within 24 hours of delivery only if the product arrives damaged, with a complete parcel opening video as proof.
Steps to Claim for Damaged Products:
- Contact customer support via email/WhatsApp ( within 24 hours of delivery.
- Provide your order ID and request details. Share images and a video of the damaged product for reference.
Return Policy:
All sales are final. Returns, refunds, and exchanges are not offered at the moment.